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NHS,Currecy and E.U


-The no camp always say an independent scotland would have no NHS but if you look into it you see that down in England, privitisation has started settling in. in fact alastair darling has bought shares in these companies

-sterling the currency of Britain is what's know as a "Fully -tradeable " international currency, which means that any country can use it if it wants to, without requiring the UK goverment's permission

-Nobody knows for sure whether an independent scotland would be able to join the E.U but the E.U has no reason to reject scotland as our country is full of natural resources and is full of wealth


source- wee blue book-(currency section)


The three right wing parties


-Before the referendum of 2014 the vow was made by ed miliband, david cameron and nick clegg they promised that on sept 19th if we didn't go independent we would get more powers to be established at the scottish parliment but already they have lied and not gave us these so called powers.

-The real parties that could only bring you a bright future is either the Green party or the SNP.





Resources of scotland


-25% potential of all renewable energy in the E.U

-if we were to be independent we would be the 14th richest country in the world

-we have 90-95% of all the north sea oil revenues



Join the scottish fever for change!


-meet up for rallies

-protest against the bbc bias

-the 45%(1.6million) wanting change, everyone meet up and show them ukok smug faces what we can do.


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Westminister have ruled us for over300 years.


-why would you want to be run by a different government? 

-why would you support a government that goes into illegal wars?

-why would we stay in one of the most unequal places in the world?




Join the campaign for true power over our own country and to protect our people.

      To Freedom

Scotland future in scotlands hands

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